04 - Modelling different aspects of countries regarding NBT characteristics


General overview

Here we provided the code used to model the total number of NBT, Domestic Contribution (DC), Domestic Retention (DR), Native turnover and NBT turnover. These models are represented in Figures 4 in the main text, Figure S3 and S4, and tables S1, S2 and S3 in Supplementary material.

Reading libraries

# data
library(dplyr)       # data manipulation
library(readr)       # read CSV files
library(here)        # file paths handling

# plot
library(scales)      # data transformation functions
library(ggplot2)     # data visualization

# model
library(glmmTMB)     # generalized Linear Mixed Models
library(performance) # model performance checks
library(bbmle)       # model selection and AIC calculations
library(DHARMa)      # model diagnostics and residuals simulation

Previous data used

# Data from 02_C_data_preparation_models.qmd
df_country_complete6 <- readr::read_csv(here::here("data", "processed", "df_country_complete6.csv"))

Some auxiliary function used to plot the results

sqrt_trans <- scales::trans_new("sqrt_with_zero", 
                        transform = function(x) ifelse(x == 0, 0, sqrt(x)),
                        inverse = function(x) x^2)

# dummy data
plot_data <- data.frame(x = 0:10,
                        y = 0:10)

Modelling primary type distribution with biological and sociological/economic/political variables

In the modelling approach we used four response variables:

  • The total number of NBTs owned by a country total_country_museum

  • The proportion of Domestic Contribution by a country prop_DC and success.DC

  • The proportion of Domestic Retention by a country prop_DR and success.DR

  • The rate of native underrepresentation by a country native.beta

  • The rate of type overrepresentation by a country type.beta

All these variables are used in a country level (i.e. each point in the figures corresponds to a country)

Data and Models

Total number of NBT by country

After standardize the variables we can fit the models. Since we have a huge amount of zeroes in our response variable we will use a zero-inflation poisson model and also test with a poisson distribution.

ggplot(df_country_complete6, aes(type.richness.pad)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.4, fill = "darkorange")

Fitting different models to check which one is the most appropriate

mod_pois <-
  glmmTMB::glmmTMB(type.richness.pad ~ native.richness.pad + 
                     records.per.area.pad + years.independence.pad + 
                     gdp.pad + n.museums.pad, zi = ~., 
                   data = df_country_complete6, 
                   family = poisson) # poisson

mod_zero_pois <-
  glmmTMB::glmmTMB(type.richness.pad ~ native.richness.pad + 
                     records.per.area.pad + years.independence.pad + 
                     gdp.pad + n.museums.pad, zi = ~., 
                   data = df_country_complete6, 
                   family = glmmTMB::nbinom2) # negative binomial

mod_hurdle <-
  glmmTMB::glmmTMB(type.richness.pad ~ native.richness.pad +
                     records.per.area.pad + years.independence.pad +
                     gdp.pad + n.museums.pad,
                   zi = ~.,
                   data = df_country_complete6,
                   family = glmmTMB::truncated_nbinom2)

Checking model output and fit


Checking best model

## model selection
bbmle::ICtab(mod_pois, mod_zero_pois, mod_hurdle)

Checking residual diagnostic and colinearity

# checking homocedasticity 
DHARMa::simulateResiduals(fittedModel = mod_zero_pois, plot = T)
DHARMa::simulateResiduals(fittedModel = mod_hurdle, plot = T)

Exporting best model

# Exporting best model

saveRDS(mod_zero_pois, here::here("output", "models", "model_res_counting.rds"))

Modelling native and NBT turnover

In this section we will model the two turnover metrics that represent the deficit of native species in biological collections of a given country and the overrepresentation of primary types regarding the native fish fauna of a given country. These variables are native.beta and type.beta.

mod_native_turnover <-
  glmmTMB::glmmTMB(cbind(native.success, native.fail) ~ native.richness.pad +
                     records.per.area.pad + years.independence.pad +
                     gdp.pad + n.museums.pad, 
                   family = glmmTMB::betabinomial,
                   data = df_country_complete6)

mod_type_turnover <-
  glmmTMB::glmmTMB(cbind(type.success, type.fail) ~ native.richness.pad +
                     records.per.area.pad + years.independence.pad +
                     gdp.pad + n.museums.pad, 
                   family = glmmTMB::betabinomial,
                   data = df_country_complete6)

Checking model outputs

## Diagnose plots

Checking residuals and colinearity

DHARMa::simulateResiduals(fittedModel = mod_native_turnover, plot = TRUE)
DHARMa::simulateResiduals(fittedModel = mod_type_turnover, plot = TRUE)

Saving models

# Saving models

saveRDS(mod_native_turnover, here::here("output", "models", "model_res_turnover_native.rds"))
saveRDS(mod_type_turnover, here::here("output", "models", "model_res_turnover_nbt.rds"))

Modelling country characteristics based on biological collections (Domestic Contribution and Domestic Retention)

Model with a binomial distribution with success and failures using the raw data used to calculate Domestic Contribution (DC) and Domestic Retention (DR)


mod_beta_dc_binom <-
  glmmTMB::glmmTMB(cbind(success.DC, failures.DC) ~ native.richness.pad +
                     records.per.area.pad + years.independence.pad +
                     gdp.pad + n.museums.pad,
                   family = glmmTMB::betabinomial, 
                   data = df_country_complete6)

Checking model output


Diagnostic residuals distribution and model collinearity

DHARMa::simulateResiduals(fittedModel = mod_beta_dc_binom, plot = TRUE)


Running model and checking results

mod_beta_dr_binom <-
  glmmTMB::glmmTMB(cbind(success.DR, failures.DR) ~ native.richness.pad +
                     records.per.area.pad + years.independence.pad +
                     gdp.pad + n.museums.pad, ziformula = ~., 
                   family = glmmTMB::betabinomial, 
                   data = df_country_complete6)

Checking residual distribution and colinearity

DHARMa::simulateResiduals(fittedModel = mod_beta_dr_binom, 
                          plot = TRUE)


Saving models for DR and DC

# saving results
        here::here("output", "models", "model_res_dc.rds"))
        here::here("output", "models", "model_res_dr.rds"))