The macroecology of knowledge: Spatio-temporal patterns of name-bearing types in biodiversity science


Gabriel Nakamura

Lívia Estéfane F. Frateles

Bruno H. Mioto Stabile

Matheus Lima de Araujo

Emanuel Neuhaus

Manoela Maria Ferreira Marinho

Melina de Souza Leite

Aline Richter

Liuyong Ding

Tiago Magalhães da Silva Freitas

Bruno Eleres Soares

Weferson Júnio da Graça

José Alexandre Felizola Diniz-Filho


July 24, 2024


This manuscript is submitted as a preprint here

Code and data can be downloaded from zenodo DOI

General overview

This repository contains the data and code used in the analysis of the manuscript entitled “The macroecology of knowledge: Spatio-temporal patterns of name-bearing types in biodiversity science”.

In this study we characterized different aspects of spatial and temporal patterns of fish Name Bearing Types (NBT) among countries and world regions. The characteristics comprises the number of total NBT, the NBT flowing among different world regions, the characteristics of regions and countries regarding the source of NBT in their biological collection, the level of underepresentation of native species and the level of overepresentation of non-native species for each country.

We discuss how the fundamental knowledge in fish species is distributed and its implications for science development and knowledge sharing.

Repository structure


This folder stores raw and processed data used to perform all the analysis presented in this study


  • flow_period_region_country.csv a data frame in the long format containing the flowing of NBT per regions per per time (50-year time frame). Variables:

    • period numeric variable representing 50-year time intervals

    • region_type character representing the name of the World Bank region of the country where the NBT was sourced

    • country_type character. A three letter code (alpha-3 ISO3166) representing the country of the museum where the NBT was sourced

    • region_museum character. Name of the World Bank region of the country where the NBT is housed

    • country_museum character. A three letter code (alpha-3 ISO3166) representing the country of the museum where the NBT is housed

    • n numeric. The number of NBT flowing from one country to another

  • spp_native_distribution.csv data frame in the long format containing the native composition at the country level. Variables:

    • species character. The name of a species in the format genus_epithet according to the Catalog of Fishes (including synonym names)

    • country_distribution character. Three letter code (alpha-3 ISO3166) indicating the name of the country where a species is native to

    • region_distribution character. The name of the region acording with World Bank where a species is native to

  • spp_type_distribution.csv data frame in the long format containing the composition of NBT by country. Variables:

    • species character. The name of a species in the format genus_epithet according to the Catalog of Fishes (including synonym names)

    • country_distribution character. Three letter code (alpha-3 ISO3166) indicating the name of the country where a species is housed

    • region_distribution character. The name of the region acording with World Bank where a species is housed

  • bio-dem_data.csv data frame with data downloaded from Bio-Dem containing information on biological and social information at the country level. Variables:

    • country character. A three letter code (alpha-3 ISO3166) representing a country

    • records numeric. Total number of species occurrence records from Global Biodiverity Facility (GBIF)

    • records_per_area numeric. Records per area from gbif

    • yearsSinceIndependence numeric. Years since independence for each country

    • e_migdppc numeric. GDP per capta

  • museum_data.csv data frame with museums’ acronyms and the world region of each. Variables:

    • code_museum character. The acronym (three letter code) of the museum

    • country_museum character. A three letter code (alpha-3 ISO3166) representing a country

    • region_museum character. The name of the region acording with World Bank


  • flow_region.csv a data frame containing flowing of NBT among world regions and the total number of NBT derived from the source region

  • flow_period_region.csv a data frame with the number of NBT between the world regions per 50-year time frame and the total number of NBT in each time frame for each world region

  • flow_period_region_prop.csv a data frame with the number of NBT, the Domestic Contribution and Domestic Retention between the world regions in a 50-year time frame

  • flow_region_prop.csv data with the total number of species flowing between world regions, Domestic Contribution and Domestic Retention

  • flow_country.csv data frame with flowing information of NBT among countries

  • df_country_native.csv data frame with the number of native species at the country level

  • df_country_type.csv data frame with the number of NBT at the country level

  • df_endemic_beta.csv data frame with values of native and NBT turnover at the country level using only species with restricted occurrences at the country level

  • df_all_beta.csv data frame with values of native and NBT turnover at the country level. This is used in the analysis of Supplementary material


The letters D, A and V represents scripts for, respectively, data processing (D), data analysis (A) and results visualization (V). The script sequence to reproduce the workflow is indicated by the numbers at the beginning of the name of the script file.




In this folder you will find all figures used in the main text and supplementary material of this study

Fig1_flow_circle_plot.png Figure with circular plots showing the flux of NBT among regions of the world in a 50-year time window

Fig2_DC_DR.png Scaterplot with World regions characterized by their Domestic Contribution and Domestic Retention values in a 50-year time frame

Fig3_turnover_metrics_endemics.png Cartogram with 3 maps showing the level of native endemic turnover, NBT turnover and the combination of both metrics in a combined map

Fig4_models.png Figure showing the predictions of the number of NBT, DC, DR, native turnover and NBT turnover for different predictors. This is derived from the statistical models


This folder contains the figures in the Supplementary material

  • FigS1_native_richness.png World map with countries coloured according to the number of native species richness according to the Catalog of Fishes

  • FigS2_scatterplot.png All-time Domestic contribution (DC) and Domestic retention (DR) for world regions

  • FigS3_turnover_metrics.png Cartogram with 3 maps showing the level of native turnover, NBT turnover and the combination of both metrics in a combined map


Package Version Documentation
bbmle bbmle
betapart 1.6 betapart
biscale 1.0.0 biscale
circlize 0.4.15 circlize
countrycode 1.6.0 countrycode
cowplot 1.1.1 cowplot
dplyr 1.1.4 dplyr
ggarrow ggarrow
ggplot2 3.5.0 ggplot2
glmmTMB 1.1.8 glmmTMB
glue 1.6.2 glue
here 1.0.1 here
patchwork patchwork
performance 0.12.1 performance
phyloregion 1.0.8 phyloregion
readr 2.1.4 readr
rmapshaper 0.5.0 rmapshaper
rnaturalearth 0.3.4 rnaturalearth
scales 1.3@420* scales
sf 1.0-14 sf
tidyr 1.3.1 tidyr

* Pull request 420 version


Gabriel Nakamura and Bruno Mioto

If you have any suggestion or commentary, please open an issue

Source code

Session Info

#> R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31 ucrt)
#> Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
#> Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)
#> Matrix products: default
#> locale:
#> [1] LC_COLLATE=Portuguese_Brazil.utf8  LC_CTYPE=Portuguese_Brazil.utf8   
#> [3] LC_MONETARY=Portuguese_Brazil.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C                      
#> [5] LC_TIME=Portuguese_Brazil.utf8    
#> time zone: Etc/GMT+3
#> tzcode source: internal
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
#> [8] base     
#> other attached packages:
#>  [1] biscale_1.0.0        cowplot_1.1.1        patchwork_1.2.0.9000
#>  [4] ggarrow_0.0.0.9000   rmapshaper_0.5.0     sf_1.0-14           
#>  [7] rnaturalearth_0.3.4  circlize_0.4.15      DHARMa_0.4.6        
#> [10] bbmle_1.0.25.1       performance_0.12.1   glmmTMB_1.1.8       
#> [13] ggplot2_3.5.0        scales_1.3.0.9000    countrycode_1.6.0   
#> [16] phyloregion_1.0.8    readr_2.1.4          here_1.0.1          
#> [19] glue_1.6.2           tidyr_1.3.1          dplyr_1.1.4         
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#>  [1] DBI_1.1.3           phangorn_2.11.1     sandwich_3.0-2     
#>  [4] rlang_1.1.2         magrittr_2.0.3      multcomp_1.4-25    
#>  [7] predicts_0.1-11     e1071_1.7-13        compiler_4.3.2     
#> [10] mgcv_1.9-0          vctrs_0.6.4         quadprog_1.5-8     
#> [13] pkgconfig_2.0.3     shape_1.4.6         fastmap_1.1.1      
#> [16] clustMixType_0.3-9  utf8_1.2.4          rmarkdown_2.26     
#> [19] tzdb_0.4.0          nloptr_2.0.3        purrr_1.0.2        
#> [22] xfun_0.43           reprex_2.0.2        jsonlite_1.8.8     
#> [25] styler_1.10.2       terra_1.7-55        parallel_4.3.2     
#> [28] R6_2.5.1            RColorBrewer_1.1-3  boot_1.3-28.1      
#> [31] numDeriv_2016.8-1.1 estimability_1.4.1  Rcpp_1.0.11        
#> [34] knitr_1.46          zoo_1.8-12          R.utils_2.12.2     
#> [37] Matrix_1.6-2        splines_4.3.2       R.cache_0.16.0     
#> [40] igraph_2.0.3        tidyselect_1.2.1    rstudioapi_0.16.0  
#> [43] yaml_2.3.8          TMB_1.9.10          codetools_0.2-19   
#> [46] curl_5.1.0          lattice_0.22-5      tibble_3.2.1       
#> [49] withr_3.0.0         coda_0.19-4.1       evaluate_0.23      
#> [52] survival_3.5-7      units_0.8-4         proxy_0.4-27       
#> [55] pillar_1.9.0        KernSmooth_2.23-22  smoothr_1.0.1      
#> [58] insight_0.20.2      generics_0.1.3      rprojroot_2.0.4    
#> [61] sp_2.1-3            maptpx_1.9-7        hms_1.1.3          
#> [64] munsell_0.5.0       minqa_1.2.6         xtable_1.8-4       
#> [67] class_7.3-22        slam_0.1-50         emmeans_1.8.9      
#> [70] tools_4.3.2         lme4_1.1-35.1       fs_1.6.3           
#> [73] mvtnorm_1.2-3       fastmatch_1.1-4     grid_4.3.2         
#> [76] ape_5.8             bdsmatrix_1.3-6     colorspace_2.1-0   
#> [79] nlme_3.1-163        cli_3.6.1           fansi_1.0.6        
#> [82] V8_4.4.0            gtable_0.3.4        R.methodsS3_1.8.2  
#> [85] digest_0.6.33       classInt_0.4-10     TH.data_1.1-2      
#> [88] htmltools_0.5.8.1   R.oo_1.25.0         lifecycle_1.0.4    
#> [91] httr_1.4.7          GlobalOptions_0.1.2 MASS_7.3-60