A newick object containing the phylogeny with the species in data object. If return.insertions = TRUE the output
will be a list of length two containing the newick phylogeny and a data frame equal that provided in data plus a column
indicating at which level each species was inserted in the tree.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Parodontidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Loricariidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Callichthyidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Cichlidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Crenuchidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Gymnotidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Anostomidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Poeciliidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Serrasalmidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Hemiodontidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Distichodontidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Ctenoluciidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Bryconidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Iguanodectidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Chilodontidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Gasteropelecidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Chalceidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Citharinidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Cynodontidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Erythrinidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Hepsetidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Prochilodontidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Aspredinidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Mochokidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Trichomycteridae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Akysidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Ictaluridae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Anchariidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Plotosidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Astroblepidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Austroglanididae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Clariidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Pseudopimelodidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Siluridae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Cetopsidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Chacidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Cranoglanididae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Diplomystidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Pangasiidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Heteropneustidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Horabagridae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Lacantuniidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Malapteruridae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Nematogenyidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Scoloplacidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Pholidichthyidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Rhamphichthyidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Goodeidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Anablepidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Rivulidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Nothobranchiidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Aplocheilidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Fundulidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Profundulidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for family Valenciidae because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for order Characiformes because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for order Siluriformes because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for order Cichliformes because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for order Gymnotiformes because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for order Cyprinodontiformes because the family is monophyletic.
#> Can't retrieve a `chronogram_mrca` for order Pholidichthyiformes because the family is monophyletic.
#> [1] "Pholidichthyiformes"
#> Warning: Requested 3027 but only found 3026 species.
#> * Pholidichthyiformes
#> Warning: Astyanax may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Astyanax may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Astyanax may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Astyanax may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Crenicichla may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Hisonotus may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Hypostomus may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Hypostomus may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Hypostomus may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Hypostomus may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Imparfinis may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Imparfinis may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Loricaria may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Loricaria may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Moenkhausia may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Moenkhausia may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
#> Warning: Rineloricaria may not be monophyletic
#> attaching to the most inclusive group containing members of this genus
# }